The breeding cattery was officially registered in the felinological organisation FIFE on December 07, 2009, and in the "Phelix" club – on December 22, 2009.

The fascination with cats began when I was a child, and in 2004 my dream came true – I bought a British cat Lancy, the silver-blue spotted. Later she delighted me with strong, healthy and beautiful kittens.
But once, after seeing a British cat with snow-silver chinchilla coat and huge green eyes, featuring a natural makeup – they seemed to be delineated by a black pencil – I could not resist the temptation. Thus, an elegant, graceful cat in this color, Jewel Snezhny Bars, appeared in my home. A bit later our cat family was extended due to a clever, kind, and very affectionate cat Caval’Ero. It was them who laid the foundation to the breeding of British cats in the exclusive chinchilla silver shaded color. Since then, my goal has been to get a healthy, strong offspring and improve the breed qualities. In January 2015, our breeding farm received an elegant green-eyed cat EmeraldCharm Agatha Christie, blue gold in color. One year later, in March 2016, a handsome cat Armani Sun & Snow was brought in.

All our animals have the superb health and excellent psyche. They are very friendly, smart, intelligent, curious and clean. Therefore, acquiring a kitten from our breeding farm, you can be sure that it is a gentle animal that will give you the joy of communicating with him, help calm down and relieve stress. British chinchilla and their kittens are excellent companions and very fond of children. They also easily find a common language with other pets.